The Last Airbender is an action fantasy-adventure movie that will be showing on the July 2010. The Last Airbender (2010) movie is based on Nickelodeon animated series Avatar: The Last Air Bender. The Fire nation proclaimed war against the other nations such as the Air, Water and Earth. And the only one can settle to make the nations back to normal is the Avatar named Aang (the last airbender).
In Movie Theaters: July 1, 2010 Wide
Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
Noah Ringer
Jackson Rathbone
Nicola Peltz
Jessica Jade Andres
Dev Patel
Cliff Curtis
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
Genres: Action Adventure Fantasy 3D
Running Time: 94 minutes
In Movie Theaters: July 1, 2010 Wide
Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
Noah Ringer
Jackson Rathbone
Nicola Peltz
Jessica Jade Andres
Dev Patel
Cliff Curtis
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures
Genres: Action Adventure Fantasy 3D
Running Time: 94 minutes