They are the most dangerous killers on the planet. But this is not our planet. Fear is reborn in
Predators movie. The
Predators (2010) is an action-adventure sci-fi film directed by Nimrod Antal. Predator (1987) and Predator 2 (1990) is the film sequel. In the
movie Predators centers on Royce, a mercenary taken away by alien creatures known as the Predators. He leads with other seven humans with the exception of a disgraced physician, are all cold-blooded killers, Yakuza and with the group consisting of mercenaries and convicts to destroy new live alien predators.
Adrien Brody -- Royce
Topher Grace -- Edwin
Danny Trejo -- Cuchillo
Alice Braga -- Isabelle
Mahershalalhashbaz Ali -- Mombasa
Oleg Taktarov -- Nikolai
Walton Goggins -- Stans
Louis Ozawa Changchien -- Hanzo
Laurence Fishburne -- Noland
Director: Nimrod Antal
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
MPAA Rating: -
Schedule of Release: July 9, 2010 (wide)